On the day of Oscars, FM deserved a GRAMmy Award: Harsh Goenka

BL Internet Desk Updated - January 20, 2018 at 02:35 AM.

Mumbai, 19/11/2015: Harsh Goenka, Chairman RPG enterprises, one of the India's largest business group and also and avid art collector at his office in Worli.Photo: Prashant Nakwe

Chairman of RPG Enterprises Harsh Goenka took time off from his hectic schedule to have a chat on Twitter with the followers of @businessline . The chat lasted for more than an hour, and was anchored by Chitra Narayanan.

Harsh Goenka was quite generous in ranking Arun Jaitley's budget. "With the dismal global scene, I would say 9/10 for fiscal discipline, infra & rural focus," he said. Here are his answers to some of the questions thrown at him by @businessline 's followers.

PM Modi in Mann Ki Baat had talked about his Budget exam. How many marks do you give him?

With the dismal global scene, I would d say 9/10 for fiscal discipline, infra & rural focus.

Do you think the black money amnesty will work this time?

I am personally quite hopeful that the Government will collect a lot of money through this scheme.

Will taxing the rich lead to cutback in purchase of cars/big ticket durables?

With rural & gen demand increasing, expect auto & durable industries to flourish.

Any views on the housing sector? You are expecting a correction?

The 50k rebate to attract loan seekers and boost to affordable housing will incentivise builders.

Is it justified for promoters of big companies to protest the proposed tax on dividend income in excess of Rs. 10 lakh

Somewhat justified as its like 3x taxation - corporate tax, DDT & tax on dividend. Hope the Finance Minister will review this.

This is a good budget for the farmer. How good is it for the corporate sector? Especially given taxes.

Revival of rural demand to benefit industry. Plus focus on roads, railways, ports, irrigation, infrastructure.

Do you think the measures in the Budget will really boost rural demand? What if monsoons fail again?

2x farmer income, crop insurance, FDI in food processing, Irrigation to up rural demand. More positives: @UIDAI to be used to avail MSP, unified agri mkt, leak-proof system for disbursal of subsidies.

Govt Banks get Rs 25,000 cr towards recapitalisation.Sir u think that would suffice considerin the rot being so bad?

I know its meagre compared to the needs.

Instead of allocating Rs 25k cr for PSU banks, why don't they use the same on crippling infra projects?

Actually both need to be done and that's what the Finance Minister is attempting.

Is there anything you would like to have seen vis-a-vis budgetary and policy support for Make in India?

Incentives for export & manufacturing sector is missing. Wish there was greater emphasis on #MakeInIndia

What will be the impact on the borrowing rate?

I expect interest rates to come down soon.

Too much of food processing can be inflationary. CPI of fruits, vegetables will surely go up. Any thoughts?

Development of food processing industry will control wastage & boost employment. Not inflationary.

How is India supposed to project itself as regional leader if aid to neighbouring countries, MEA budget is slashed?

The Prime Minister, with his frequent engagement with the international community, has brought the old adage back 'India Shining'.

Why has PF been made taxable with conditions? What objective will it meet for the Government.

The move is towards creating a pensionised society

Has the budget enough cushion if an oil price crisis climaxes in next 6 months or another banking sector crisis pops up?

Forex reserves are comfortable to cushion oil prices. Banking sector of course needs support.

Are low commodity prices boon or curse? Tyre makers have had a great year for instance.

In the short term it is definitely a boon for example in the tyre industry

Rs 5,000 crore for renewable energy. Sir, isn't that too little considering so much that is happening in the space?

Most of the investment will come in from private sector, including funds.

How does this budget help employees who earn more than 5lks with increasing inflation and CESS with out tax cap changes?

It doesnt help them. Minor HRA benefits are there.

What are the 3 big hits and 3 big misses in @arunjaitley budget?

Hits: Focus on agri/rural, fiscal prudence, focus on infra.

Misses: No boost for industry, no cut in corp tax rate, no roadmap on GST

As a cricket buff, whose batting style do you think Arun Jaitley has adopted?

He's taken Dhoni's determined approach. Now waiting to see him go for the helicopter shot! In his Budget has shown the same form as the Indian cricket team in Asia Cup !

Published on March 4, 2016 13:55