There are many career opportunities for people with creativity in fields such as fashion technology, according to Ms Samana Moosavi, Chief Executive Officer, Samana Institute of Fashion Technology.

Delivering a talk on fashion technology as a career at Maris Stella College here on Saturday, she said many were aware about building a bright career in fashion designing.

Shortage of skilled professional

Observing that there was a shortage of skilled professionals, she said some businesses were paying high salaries ranging from Rs 30, 000 to Rs 40, 000 a month for vision merchandisers hired from places such as Mumbai.

Fashion technology was not just models walking on the ramp in designer clothes.

“A fashion designer needs to be well-versed with the various components of the fashion world. It's not just mere tailoring and embroidery,'' she said.

The College Correspondent, Mr Alberta said that people had a narrow thinking about fashion technology.

The head of the MBA Department of the college, Ms K. Naga Sundari, was also present on the occasion.