Prime Minister Narendra Modi has proposed an ‘International Customer Care Day’, and also stressed on the need for promoting ethical Artificial Intelligence.

“When we talk about consumer rights, should not we also be mindful of consumer care, as it will automatically take care of many consumer rights issues? We should definitely think about a system for ‘International Consumer Care Day’. This will help in strengthening the trust between businesses and consumers,” said Prime Minister Modi while addressing the B20 summit, organised by CII as part of India’s G20 Presidency.

He elaborated that retail consumers are not confined to a particular geography, but to nations that are consumers of global trade, global goods and services. The Prime Minister underlined that a profitable market can be sustained when there is a balance in the interests of producers and consumers, and it also applies to nations. He stressed that treating other countries only as a market will not work, but harm even the producing countries sooner or later.

the way forward

He emphasised that the way forward is to make everyone equal partners in this progress. He urged business leaders to give a thought to making businesses more consumer-centric, where these consumers could be individuals or countries. He said their interests need to be taken care of and suggested coming up with a yearly campaign for this. “Every year, can global businesses come together to pledge themselves for the good of the consumers and their markets,” the Prime Minister asked. 

He stressed that businesses should focus on improving the purchasing power of people, as a self-centric approach will harm everyone. Referring to a similar challenge of uneven availability and universal need in critical material and rare earth metals, Modi said: “If those who have them do not look at them as global responsibility, then it will promote a new model of colonialism.” 

He asked for a reconsideration of the traditional approach to business. He said there is a need to go beyond brand and sales. Highlighting that 13.5 crore Indians have come out of poverty in just 5 years. These people are the new consumers. This neo middle class is also giving momentum to India‘s growth. That is, the net beneficiary of the work done by the government for the poor is our middle class as well as our MSMEs.,” he said.

He said “business can transform potential into prosperity, obstacles into opportunities, aspirations into achievements. Whether they are small or big, global or local, business can ensure progress for everyone”. Therefore, the Prime Minister said “the future of global growth depends on the future of business”.

The Prime Minister stressed on the need for a more integrated approach in this matter and suggested creating a global framework where issues of all stakeholders can be addressed. He also spoke about a similar approach needed regarding Artificial Intelligence. Highlighting the buzz and excitement around AI, the Prime Minister drew attention to some ethical considerations regarding skilling and re-skilling, and concerns regarding algorithm bias and its impact on society. “Such issues have to be resolved together. Global business communities and governments will have to work together to ensure that Ethical AI expands”, the Prime Minister asserted and stressed on sensing the potential disruptions in different sectors.