Against the backdrop of terror strikes in Jammu, India’s concerns over continued activities of Lashkar-e-Taiba emanating from Pakistan and freedom to Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed are expected to figure in the talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama here today.

Giving this indication, Indian Ambassador to the US Nirupama Rao today said India will articulate its concerns over continued cross-border terrorism, particularly since LeT is now a part of global terror network and endangers more than one country.

“We haven’t let this matter go off the radar... This issue concerning Lashkar-e-Taiba and activities of Hafiz Saeed are very much on the agenda of discussions that we have with the US at every given opportunity,” she said in her pre-meeting briefing to reporters.

LeT, Hafiz Saeed activities

She was responding when asked whether the activities of LeT and Hafiz Saeed would be raised by the Prime Minister during the talks with Obama considering that the US had declared a reward of $10 million for him and the meeting is taking place against the backdrop of yesterday’s twin terror strikes in Jammu.

Denying any dilution of its stand on LeT and Hafiz Saeed, Rao said: “The issue of cross-border terrorism and the threat we continue to face in our homeland on this issue is a very great concern.”

The former Foreign Secretary said that she believed that the US is aware of the “depth” of India’s concerns.

“The fact is that LeT is not confined in its activities to the sub-continent. They have become virtually global terrorist group combine now and their activities are felt and endanger security in more than one country. I think the US is aware of that and is concerned,” she said.

To a question about Obama going to host Nawaz Sharif later this month, Rao said that there was no need for unnecessary concern over it as the US has its own relations with Pakistan and its democratically elected Prime Minister. India’s relations with the US stand on their own, she said.

Singh and Obama will discuss, among various things, cooperation in the field of homeland security, maritime security, defence cooperation and situation in Afghanistan and other parts of the region.

Speaking in the context of trade and investment ties, the Ambassador said the issue of proposed changes in the US immigration laws will be raised amid India’s concerns over it.