Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked officials to expedite the implementation of the 'housing for all' scheme and called for immediate measures to scale up the speed of providing broadband connectivity to all gram panchayats.

Modi had reviewed the progress of key infrastructure sectors, including power, coal, housing, ports, and the Digital India project on Friday.

He has instructed officials to work urgently on improving the average vessel turnaround time at major ports, to bring it in line with international standards, according to an official release.

The Prime Minister was informed that out of approximately 18,500 unelectrified villages, about 6,000 have already been electrified. The progress of village electricfication initiative is being tracked in real-time using sophisticated technology applications, including geo-tagging.

Officials explained that off-grid solutions such as solar panels are being used to reach remote and inaccessible areas, in states such as Arunachal Pradesh. The progress in distribution of LED bulbs across the country was reviewed.

The total installed renewable energy capacity has already reached 39.5 Giga-Watts (GW), the Prime Minister was informed. The country has set a target of 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022.

Coal India Ltd has achieved 9.2 per cent increase in production this year compared to an average of just 3 per cent growth over the last five years, the release added.