Eleven MLAs of Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) along with an Independent legislature were today suspended from the Andhra Pradesh Assembly for the day for disrupting the proceedings of the House.

Four CPI MLAs and two BJP members walked out in protest against the suspension of TRS MLAs.

Principal Opposition Telugu Desam Party, which had disrupted the House for three days demanding sacking of ministers involved in the liquor syndicates, today boycotted the Question Hour.

The TRS members, who too had been stalling the proceedings for the past three days demanding a resolution on Telangana statehood, continued with their protest today as well by storming the Speaker’s podium.

Speaker Mr Nadendla Manohar adjourned the proceedings for half-an-hour as the TRS legislators continued the din.

Noisy scenes continued even after the House re-assembled an hour later when Legislative Affairs Minister, Mr D. Sridhar Babu, said they too “respect” the Telangana sentiment.

“Efforts were on to take the issue to its logical conclusion,” he said while appealing TRS members to let the House transact business.

At the same time, CPI and BJP legislators were on their feet at their respective positions and raised slogans seeking a resolution on Telangana.

Amid the din, the Legislative Affairs Minister moved a motion for suspending the TRS members from the House for the day. The motion was carried through voice vote and marshals were called in to evict the suspended MLAs.

CPI floor leader, Mr G. Mallesh, protested the TRS MLAs’ suspension and lashed out at the Congress for failing to keep its word on creation of Telangana state. BJP floor leader, Mr Y. Lakshminarayana, accused the Congress of taking a U-turn after promising Telangana.

Later the CPI and the BJP MLAs walked out of the House in protest. The House then took up a discussion on the motion of thanks to Governor’s address.