Of the total of 38 lakh handloom weavers and allied workers in the country, photo identity cards for about 31 lakh have been prepared and sent to state governments to ensure that benefits reach them.

“Issuance of photo identity cards will ensure that benefits of schemes are extended to genuine handloom weavers,” a Textiles Ministry release said here on Monday.

According to the Third Handloom Census (2009-10), the number of female weavers far exceeds the number of males in the sector. There are 29.98 female handloom weavers and allied workers against 8.48 lakh males across the country.

Among the states, Assam has the highest number of weavers at 1,27,4310, followed by West Bengal with 579,631 persons. Tamil Nadu has the third largest number of weavers at 296,397, followed by Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh at 268,940 and 169,610, respectively.

India exported handlooms worth $525.86 million in 2009-10, of which the biggest chunk went to the US at $241.43 million, followed by Germany at $115.75 million, according to Textile Ministry figures.