Arunachal Pradesh has proposed setting up of a three-tier state Crisis Management Task Force that will be responsible for supervising and monitoring the action taken in various crisis situations faced by the state.

The decision to this effect was taken by the Chief Minister, Mr Jarbom Gamlin, on Friday during a meeting with commissioners, secretaries and heads of various departments with a view to set the agenda for the government’s functioning, official sources said here today.

In the light of the many apprehensions raised during the recent chopper crash in which the former Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu along with four others were killed, the setting up of this task force, to function as a central command, is expected to contain mis-information and enable quick response to any emergency, the sources said.

The Inspector General of Police has been entrusted with the responsibility of finalising the modalities of the structure and functioning of the task force.

During the meeting, Mr Gamlin revealed the thrust areas of his government in the immediate future and called upon the entire government machinery to deliver on the assurances made to the people.

Highlighting that the timely completion of the PM’s package was central to this government’s mandate, he laid emphasis on constant monitoring and review of the projects.

“Our government must be recognised as the one which delivers at all levels,” he added.

On a note of caution, he said that due to non-adherence of the Official Secrets Act, documents and files not even collected under RTI, are circulating among the masses.

He said that soon an order would be in place that will prohibit such practices and disclosed that both the officials responsible for giving the file as well as the person carrying it will be penalised.

“We must ensure that the best practices of government functioning are strictly followed in order to ensure accountability,” Mr Gamlin added.