Residential property in the name of husband or wife will be shared equally in case of divorce. This, along with other amendments in the Hindu Marriage Act, was approved by the Union Cabinet on Thursday.

“There are two key amendments. One relates to the distribution of residential property after divorce. It has now been proposed that any residential property that is in the name of any one of the couple will be distributed in half,” an official source said.

It also does not matter whether the residential property was acquired before or after marriage. “Both the partners will be equally entitled to have the residential property after divorce,” the source added.

This provision will be applicable even in the case of ancestral property, but it should be in the name of one of the couple. However, in case of all other assets, the court will decide the distribution.

The second amendment relates to the timing and procedure of divorce. “If both the partners mutually agree that now married life cannot continue, then divorce can be granted after six months,” the source said.