Startup Village, the country’s first telecom business incubator on public-private partnership, will be inaugurated here on Sunday.

Mr Kris Gopalakrishnan, Infosys Co-founder, will formally open Startup Village at Kinfra Hi-tech Park, Kalammassery.

Startup Village seeks to emulate Silicon Valley by transforming Kerala into Silicon Coast and begin a search for a billion dollar tech startup out of Indian campuses.

It is being set up jointly by the National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) and the Kerala Government-run Technopark, in collaboration with MobME Wireless, a private firm.

The Village is being projected by the DST, Centre and state governments as the largest national attempt to scale up innovation in the country through incubators in collaboration with the private sector.

The objective is to tap huge potentials unfolding in the telecom sector and transform students as successful job-creators instead of job-seekers. India’s telecom and IT industry is supporting the initiative in different capacities.

The facility is equipped with full 4G network, telecom labs, innovation zones, legal and intellectual property services, fully furnished offices spaces and video conference rooms.

Startup Village will give a host of perks from three-year service tax holiday to funding opportunities for tech startups to build, break and innovate to start the search for a billion dollar campus startup from India.

Mr Sanjay Vijayakumar, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Startup Village, said the new initiative is an attempt to create a complete technology ecosystem by changing the education policy, incubating ideas, accelerating them with specific industry support and angel funding at one location for the first time in India.