The State has proposed the construction of a dam across the Siruvani river to ensure that the six tmc of water allocated under the Cauvery Tribunal Award is made available for use.

The Rs 460-crore project would also enhance the area under paddy in the tribal domain of Attappady in Palakkad district, the Water Resources Minister, Mr P. J. Joseph, told newspersons here. While dwelling on the programmes being undertaken by his department during the first 100 days of the new Government, Mr Joseph said that rainwater harvesting would be made mandatory for new buildings in the State.

He also mentioned that work on a number of important water supply schemes, including augmentation and maintenance, would be completed as part of the 100-day programme.

According to him, the Pattuvom water supply scheme would undergo partial commissioning during this period.

Those planned for full commissioning include West Eleri, Enmakaje, Ajamannur-Pallikkara-Uduma-Chamanadu, Kadangode, and Angadippuram schemes.