The Chief Minister, Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, today said that the phase-III Krishna water project for Hyderabad will be ready by 2013 end.

The detailed project report for Krishna water phase-III, which seeks to augment another 90 million gallons a day, with an estimated cost of Rs 1,670 crore is under consideration of the Government.

Responding to queries in the House, Mr Reddy said that the Government had proposed to explore various funding options such as annuity model, and funding from either Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Housing and Urban Development Corporation. Their terms are being assessed.

The project implementation period would be approximately 18 months after administrative approval with financial tie-up.

The issue came up when members sought to highlight water supply problem in peripheral municipal areas of the city, which come at the tail end of Krishna and Manjira water supply system.

To bridge the deficit up to 2017, the Godavari drinking water supply project to bring 172 million gallons a day has also been taken up and works are in progress.

The Chief Minister said that the Government would implement both these projects and ensure that water comes from both Krishna and Godavari to meet the drinking water requirements.

MMTS service

The Multi Modal Transport Systems (MMTS) service is being extended under phase-II in Hyderabad with an outlay of Rs 641 crore.

The State Government has provided for Rs 25 crore during 2011-2012 and another Rs 25 crore for the next financial year.

The Ministry of Railways is yet to communicate its approval for starting MMTS phase-II, the House was informed.
