The new State IT policy, to be announced soon, will have thrust on e-service delivery to all citizens.

P. H. Kurian, Principal Secretary, IT, said this during discussions with a visiting delegation led by Sathya Narayana, Secretary, Department of Electronics and IT, Government of India.


Kurian added that a futuristic, integrated service delivery framework has been chalked out by the Kerala State IT Mission.

It envisages a single identity for citizens to log in to a State portal to access a select list of services.

Consultations are being held with all State Government departments to prepare a long-term plan focusing on-high volume, high-impact services.

The Central team, which included Gaurav Dwivedi, Director of the union department, was here to learn about various e-governance initiatives.

The team also held discussions with the Chief Secretary and colleagues on the proposed integrated e-governance delivery services for the State.


The team reviewed the status of their implementation of these initiatives with the idea of replicating them in other states.

Kurian said Kerala had pioneered several e-initiatives mooted by the Centre and had become a role model for peers.

The visiting team had a close look at the ‘e-district’ and State Service Delivery Gateway programmes.

e-District is a State mission mode project under the national e-governance plan.


It proposes integrated, seamless and online delivery of citizen services at the district-level through automated workflow, back-end digitisation, and process re-design.

Kerala State IT Mission has been identified as the implementation agency for the pilot project in Kannur and Palakkad. It targets high-volume services at the district level and computerises the back-end to deliver them through Akshaya centres.

The pilot phase has made available issue of 23 revenue certificates online. An estimated eight lakh e-applications have already been processed.

The e-district services are proposed to be rolled out across the State in a year’s time.
