The Draft Industrial and Commercial Policy - 2011 of the Kerala Government has chalked out several measures to make the traditional industries in the State economically viable with improved income prospects.

At the same time, the draft advocates reducing the dependence on the traditional sector and a shift to other employment opportunities especially in rural areas. Such a move in many countries has improved the income and living conditions of their people, it says.

The draft notes that traditional industries like cashew, coir, handloom, handicrafts and khadi, however, now play an important role in generating employment in rural areas. Thrust will be given to industries using eco-friendly practices, local resources and creating higher employment opportunities, and adequate support like wages and retirement benefits will be ensured for needy workers.

Marketing campaigns

The Government will take steps to promote khadi and handloom products and take up wide marketing campaigns for traditional products.

It was pointed out that the capacity in khadi and handlooms sector has been decreasing and the young generation does not show interest in continuing with the profession of their parents as it is less remunerative and fashionable. This calls for the need to re-establish the pride in wearing khadi and handloom products.

The Government will initiate extension/exposure programmes for improving skills, knowledge and technology to ensure the quality of products and enhanced productivity levels.

The existing handlooms will be modernised and mechanisation of pre-loom activities promoted.

The concept of ‘integrated handloom village townships development' will be promoted in handloom industry in areas of large concentration of weavers. The weavers will be encouraged to produce innovative as well as value-added products of global standards to compete in the domestic and international markets.


In the area of handicrafts, schemes will be floated for the creation of new designs for innovative products and innovative approach will be adopted for extending marketing support to ethnic handicrafts of the State.

Also, skill development training programmes will be conducted to improve the workmanship of artisans.

In the bamboo industry, the Government will facilitate the incorporation of new technologies. Besides, research and development will be encouraged to promote utilisation of bamboo in industrial applications.