A CCTV and IT-based system along traffic lights to capture larger number violations and automated penalty collection system linked to the driving licences of violators are among the projects that Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari wants to implement.

These are systems operating in countries such as the US, Canada, Singapore, Germany, the UK and Japan. The plan is to study safety laws in these countries and accordingly improve the implementation of laws here.

“This may cost a lot of money. But Delhi Government officials were telling me that traffic violations are so high that the money required to put an effective system in place can be recouped in six months,” said Gadkari.

According to a study, implementing such a project in various stretches of Delhi and Gurgaon spread over 44.65 km — stretches that see high violations — would cost about ₹71.7 crore spread over a five-year period. Gadkari also said that the Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill would be overhauled. “I have asked officials to prepare a new draft Bill in one month,” he said.

The Minister asked officials to identify spots – which see over 10 accidents a year – and take steps to improve the conditions in those stretches to lower accidents.