The United Kingdom, which has one of the world's most reputed educational institutions, is also looking forward to send its students to study in India in the areas of science and technology and software development, British Council (India) Director, Mr Rob Lynes, has said.

“One of the things I am keen to do is to get more students from the United Kingdom to India to study here because at the moment there aren't enough students coming from the UK to study in India,” Mr Lynes, who is also the Minister (Cultural Affairs), told presspersons on the sidelines of a programme which marked the launching of UK's first National Alumni Network in India by British Council here.

“There are fantastic universities, colleges and institutions in India and there are some partnerships between institutions in the UK and India and as part of these research links we want to see that students from the UK can take up the opportunity of coming here to study...for at least one term,” he said.

“We are hopeful in the coming years it will be a two-way flow of students between both the countries,” he added.

Mr Lynes said students from the UK can take up studies in the fields of science and technology, software development, microbiology that are the areas of strength in India.

He further said the British Council is working towards developing a Global Alumni Network (of students) who have studied in United Kingdom and is also planning to launch a Web site in this regard.

“Whether students have studied in the UK from China, India or Germany, we are working on how we can build a global alumni network and are also working on building a Web site, ” he said.