All arrangements have been made for the launch of Census 2011 on Wednesday, according to the Director of Census Operations, Dr V. M. Gopala Menon.

The population enumeration in the State would formally begin at 9 a.m. on the day with a call at the Raj Bhavan where relevant particulars about the Governor, Mr R. S. Gavai, and family would be collected.

The enumerators will also call on the Chief Minister, Mr V. S. Achuthanandan, at his official residence here at 3 p.m. The State has been divided into 67,500 enumeration blocks. An estimated 66,000 enumerators and 11,000 supervisors have been deployed for the purpose.

The population enumeration process will be carried out during the period between from February 9 to 28, Dr Menon said.

Enumeration of the houseless will be held after sunset on February 28. The data will be reviewed between March 1 and 5. The Census Commissioner will release the provisional figures within three weeks of completing the operations.

Areas that are under the administrative control of the military and paramilitary forces, crew of ships anchored at ports, jails, hostels, convents and ashrams have all been brought within the ambit of the Census.

Teachers have been deployed for the work, but their duty has been designed in such a manner that it does not disrupt the examination schedule.

Compared to other States, Kerala has its own unique features and dynamics, given high women's literacy and male-female ratio, Dr Menon said.

But the data collected in 2001 Census estimated the rate of working women in the State at 15.4 per cent. This was later reported to be erroneous. Certain chores of women go unreported. Hence, women must ensure that their occupation status is factually and correctly conveyed to enumerators.

Data and particulars about those suffering from disease or disability in each will be enumerated separately. These statistics are vital for preparing welfare programmes for the diseased and the physically challenged, Dr Menon said.

All data will be confidential and will not be divulged to a third party. Hence, no one need have any doubt or reluctance in cooperating with the enumerators, he added.