Anna Hazare would call of his fast the moment Parliament passes a resolution containing three of his demands or at least table the Jan Lokpal Bill, a key member of his team said on Friday.

“He (Hazare) has made his position clear that he will break his fast if this minimum demand of at least the resolution containing three things is passed by Parliament or at least table the Jan Lokpal Bill. Then he will withdraw the fast,” said Mr Prashant Bhushan, member of Team Anna. “If it is passed today, he will call off the fast immediately,” he added.

Mr Bhushan, a lawyer himself, said the resolution approving the three demands of civil society-lower bureaucracy to be brought in the ambit of Lokpal, creation of Lokpal in all the states through a legislation and approval of citizens charter-has to be brought by the government formally.

He said earlier Mr Hazare had said at least table the Jan Lokpal Bill. “Now he has said if you can’t table the bill, at least pass a resolution on these three issues which affects the common people of the country, then I can call off the fast while maintaining the right to continue the strike on the issue.”

He criticised the government for not bringing a resolution to Parliament to discuss the three key demands of Hazare.