The Andhra Pradesh Government has introduced online payments to the beneficiaries of housing schemes.

“We have revamped the entire payment system in electronic mode to avoid middlemen and ensure transparency,” Mr N. Uttam Kumar Reddy, State Minister for Housing, told newspersons here on Monday.

A district-wise review of housing schemes was taken up by the Government during February-March to streamline the Indiramma Housing Scheme launched in 2007.

“It has been noticed that corruption was high at the post-master level in postal accounts-based payments. We are advising all beneficiaries to open online bank accounts,” Mr Reddy said.

The list of beneficiaries, their eligibility and payment history have been made available online.

The village panchayats and mandal officers have been asked to keep all details in book form for those who cannot access the Internet.

The norms on the size of houses were also relaxed. Payments will also be made to beneficiaries according to the scheme even if houses were bigger than the stipulated 215 sq. ft, the Minister said.

Many payments were pending in cases where the area/size of houses were against stipulated norms.

To clear pending payments due to errors in individual data of the beneficiaries, district collectors and project directors have been empowered to make corrections online.

“We are decentralising many processes for efficiency and speed,” he said.

The field staff engaged in verification work have been given laptops and mobile with internet connectivity to transmit data instantly.

To speed up processes, the Government had tied up with cement companies for supply of cement, he added.


All pending schemes before the introduction of the Indiramma scheme have been made eligible for benefit.

The district collectors have been asked to identify before April 15 the beneficiaries of old, pending schemes.

To address manpower shortage, government will give preference to unemployed graduate engineers in all outsourcing activities.

The Finance Department had also approved fresh recruitment of assistant engineers.

As on March 31, 2012, 38.84 lakh houses were completed under the Indiramma scheme including 5.26 lakh during the last financial year. Construction of about 16 lakh houses are in progress.
