The State Government will spare no efforts at grooming the Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) here as a national cancer institute.

The State Health Minister, Mr V.S. Sivakumar, said this while inaugurating a state-level workshop on ‘Role of dental surgeons in prevention and control of oral cancer’.

He assured the Regional Cancer Centre all support for development and growth. The centre has been providing treatment and care to nearly two lakh patients annually.

The Minister said he would visit the centre soon and apprise the State Government of its infrastructure needs, including dormitory facilities.

A proposal to provide free transport to cancer patients on State Road Transport Corporation buses has been mooted. Orders to this effect would be issued soon.

The ‘first-of-its-kind’ workshop would serve to provide specialised awareness to dental professionals on oral cancer treatment and care.

The workshop was organised with the support of National Rural Health Mission, Kerala, and Indian Dental Association (IDA), Kerala.

It explored and discussed opportunities and challenges for dental practitioners and surgeons in early detection of oral cancers.
