The Cabinet, which met here on Wednesday, cleared a new Minimum Wage Code Bill that will integrate four different wage legislations.

The Bill, which was approved by a ministerial panel earlier, will empower the central government to fix universal minimum wage applicable on all establishments and workers across the country.

The Cabinet has also been apprised of a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) India and Germany on Indo German-Centre for Sustainability (IGCS).

The JDI will promote cooperation between German and Indian scientists on fundamental and applied scientific research.

It includes areas such as policy support, teaching, training and dissemination of information in the area of sustainable development and climate change through inter-disciplinary/trans-disciplinary research. “The IGCS will nurture future collaboration by widening the network with other universities, institutes and industries both in India and Germany,” the Centre said in a release.

The Cabinet has been apprised of an MoU between India and Palestine on cooperation in the field of youth affairs and sports. The MoU will help in promoting exchange of ideas, values and culture amongst all youth irrespective of their caste, religion and gender as well as development of sports in the two countries, the Centre said.

The Cabinet has given its ex-post facto approval for amendment of the Constitution (Application to Jammu & Kashmir) Order, 1954 by way of the Constitution (Application to Jammu & Kashmir) Amendment Order, 2017. The approval paves the way for applicability of Goods and Services Tax regime in the State of Jammu & Kashmir.