Cabinet likely to take up revised support prices for rabi crops, cos Bill

Shishir Sinha Updated - March 12, 2018 at 12:05 PM.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) is likely to take a call on the price policy for Rabi crops, including wheat, during the 2011-12 season. The crops will be marketed in 2012-13.

The price policy, better known as the Minimum Support Price (MSP), is based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices. The commission is believed to have suggested an MSP of Rs 1,325 a quintal. However, sources said that the actual proposal may restrict this to Rs 1,258 a quintal, citing inflationary pressures. The current MSP is Rs 1,170 a quintal.

The Union Cabinet is also expected to consider the recommendation of the wage board for working and non-working journalists on Tuesday. If accepted by the Government, the new wage structure for working and non-working journalists in newspapers and news agencies will come into force, retrospectively, from July 1, 2010.


The Cabinet is likely to discuss the new Companies Bill, which will replace the Companies Act 1956. If cleared, the Bill may be tabled during the Winter Session of Parliament, slated to be held in November.

The new Bill, among other proposals, provides for clear norms for independent directors and could pave the way for mandatory appointment of at least one woman director on company boards.


The road has also been cleared for the Cabinet to take a decision on the Justice G.R. Majithia wage board recommendations for journalists and non-journalists, sources said. Although this matter had come before the Cabinet earlier, a decision had been deferred as the matter was in court.

The proposal, to be brought in by the Labour Ministry, has not found support from newspaper owners, who fear that their operational cost will go up significantly. At present, wages comprise 10-14 per cent of total operational costs.


Published on October 24, 2011 14:03