The era of analog transmission in Indian cable television is on the way out with the Government introducing a Bill in the Lok Sabha to make changes in the Cable TV Networks (Regulation) Act making digitisation mandatory.

The Bill, piloted by Information and Broadcasting Minister, Ms Ambika Sonia, seeks to digitise the cable sector in the country by December 31, 2014. While the plan is for complete digitisation of cable television in the four metros by March 31, 2012, the next target will be cities with over 10 lakh population.

By the end of 2014, the entire country is expected to have phased out analogue cable TV. The measure will empower consumer to high quality viewing and also higher number of TV channels. There will be no prime band after introduction of digitisation.

The Bill will replace an Ordinance promulgated in October this year to amend the Act. Through the ordinance a clause was inserted in the Cable TV Networks (Regulation) Act to make a digital addressable system mandatory in the cable sector.