A day after India sought details from Beijing on its plans to divert waters of the Brahmaputra, China today said it would act responsibly on cross-border river issues and will consider the impact on downstream countries.

China has adopted a responsible and balanced attitude towards water development, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said when asked to comment on India's concerns on reports that China was planning to divert waters of the Brahmaputra to address the needs of its drought-hit regions.

The spokesperson also said that while developing its water resources, China will consider the impact on other countries downstream.

India had yesterday said it was seeking more details from China on reports on the issue.

“We are trying to get more details both from the government and our mission and then depending upon the report that we get, we will be able to make an assessment and then take appropriate diplomatic steps,” the External Affairs Minister, Mr S.M. Krishna told reporters in New Delhi.

Official sources in New Delhi said India had discussed the matter with China, which in turn said the projects on the mighty river were small and would not affect the flow into India.

“We have been in touch with the Chinese side and the matter has been discussed with them on more than one occasion,” the sources said.

They said the Chinese side has been contending that the projects on the Brahmaputra were small, run-of-the-river projects and there would be no diversion of water.