For faster delivery of justice in cases of crimes against women, 16 additional courts are to be set up in Maharashtra, Union Minister for Law and Judiciary Ashwani Kumar said on Wednesday.

He was addressing the media at a press conference after reviewing the state of the judiciary in Maharashtra.

At the national level, the Centre has appointment two judicial commissions, in the wake of the recent rape and murder of a medical student. Based on their recommendations, steps would be taken to strengthen laws protecting women in the country, he said.

For Maharashtra, Kumar said the number of village and block level courts in the State, which are called Gram Nyayalayas, would be increased from 10 to 25, so that people staying in the remote areas of the state need not travel long distances to get justice. The State would also get 180 new judges, which have recently been approved by the Union Cabinet.

Drop in pending cases

Kumar said the number of pending court cases in Maharashtra has come down from 40 lakh in 2010-11 to 30 lakh in 2011-12.

However, he was quick to point out that when compared to other States, the rate of conviction in Maharashtra was low. Therefore, a special study would be commissioned for getting to the root of the problem.

He also informed that his Ministry had prepared a note on the National Judicial Appointment Commission Bill, which would soon be put before the Union Cabinet. If implemented, the Bill would go a long way in ensuring speedy appointment of judges in the higher judiciary.

Presently, there are a large number of vacancies of judges, which is hampering speedy trial of cases across High Courts in the country, he said.
