Dilip Chenoy was appointed on Tuesday as the Secretary General of industry body Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) from succeeding Sanjaya Baru. Chenoy was working as Director General of the industry body till now.

“Sanjaya Baru, the current Secretary General, has decided to step down. The FICCI Committee has appointed Chenoy to succeed Sanjaya Baru. Dilip had joined FICCI earlier as Director General and worked with Baru over the past few months,” said Rashesh Shah, President FICCI in a statement issued Tuesday.

Shah also said Baru had made significant contribution to FICCI and the organisation had benefited from his leadership of the organisation.

The post of Director General of FICCI was vacant for almost two years until Chenoy came in on January this year. Prior to this he was working as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) for almost five years, from May 2010 till October 2015.

As the Director General of Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) from 2004 till 2010, Chenoy was one of most influential voices in the auto industry. He also had a brief stint with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).