The Trade Representatives of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (TRENDS) has opposed the ban on e-cigarettes.

“The Government decision to ban e-cigarettes is ironic and erratic. A safer alternative to smoking is being banned, while the more dangerous product will continue to be sold,” Praveen Rikhy, the Convener of TRENDS, said.

He alleged that the decision to ban e-cigarettes was based on a ‘selective sourcing of scientific and medical opinion’ and without holding a single stakeholder meeting. “It violates democratic norms,” she said.

“About 70 developed countries have allowed regulated sale of e-cigarettes,” she added.

The association alleged that the powerful tobacco lobbies and anti-tobacco lobbies have converged. “We are convinced of the merits of e-cigarettes, and we will initiate a formal campaign to help MPs understand the issue, clarify misapprehensions and misinformation spread by lobby group,” she said.

She said that a growth of market for e-cigarettes would help farmers as the demand for nicotine will go up.