The Centre would spare no effort to find a solution to the Mullaperiyar Dam row between Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the Defence Minister, Mr A.K. Antony, said here today.

“The Centre’s efforts to find an amicable solution to the vexed issue have not been fruitful so far. But that does not mean the Government will lose heart and abandon efforts in that direction,” he told reporters here.

Mr Antony said it was painful that a solution acceptable to both the states has been elusive and added that all political parties — big and small in the country feel the issue should soon be solved without harming cordial relations between the two states.

Asked whether the Centre would exert pressure on the two states to sit together to discuss the issue, he said the Union Government would continue its earnest efforts to solve the issue amicably.

“The matter is before the Supreme Court. Let the court go ahead with its course of action. But other efforts should also be explored to settle the issue,” he said.

Mr Antony stressed on the need for the Centre to have the unstinted cooperation of both the states to find an amicable solution to the issue.