The Government today expressed hope that it will be able to introduce the Lokpal Bill in Rajya Sabha this afternoon.

“Hopefully, the Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011 will be tabled in Rajya Sabha this afternoon,” the Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Mr P.K. Bansal, told reporters here.

The Lokpal Bill was passed by Lok Sabha yesterday.

He said, “One thing is certain, it cannot be taken up unless Rajya Sabha decides to sit late like we did in Lok Sabha. Then only perhaps it could be passed today. Otherwise it will be passed tomorrow, but it will be taken up for consideration today.”

Earlier, Union Minister, Mr V. Narayanasamy, said the Lokpal Bill is unlikely to be tabled in the Rajya Sabha today.

The Lokpal Bill will have to get Presidential assent in the wake of amendments made to it in the Lok Sabha yesterday and it can be tabled in the Rajya Sabha after that, he said.

After getting the President’s clearance, even if the Bill is tabled today in Rajya Sabha, it will be very late, he said.

Mr Bansal also alleged that BJP had conspired to not confer Constitutional status to Lokpal.