Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said his government plans to develop 300 villages across the country as growth centres for the area by creating city like infrastructure, from education and healthcare to digital connectivity.

The National Rurban Mission aims to provide better quality of life and employment in villages, he said at the townhall organised to mark the second anniversary of myGov app.

There is no dearth of smart cities, but shouldn’t the scenario of villages change, he asked. “Facilities available in cities must be made available to villages.”

Rurban Mission is ‘Smart City Plus’, he said, adding 300 villages have been identified, which will be developed as growth centre for the area.

All infrastructure identical to cities like digital and physical connectivity as well as quality healthcare and education will be provided, he said. “The idea is that the soul of a village is retained while amenities of cities are provided.”

These villages are the ones where rural people may visit for healthcare, education or attending to other needs like repairing or recharging mobiles.

Villages, he said, can become the growth centre of the rural economy.

On the eve of Handloom Day, Modi urged 125 crore Indians to use khadi and handloom for 5 per cent of their clothing needs.

This would boost the textile sector, which is the second biggest employment provider in the country, he said. “This will help the poor.”

Rural economy will change if the sector is provided holistic support, e-platform for global marketing and facilities to weavers, he added.