As earthquake and tsunami-hit Japan attempts to avert a meltdown at its nuclear plants, the safety of similar installations in India is set to come in for review.

There will be a thorough safety review of all existing Indian nuclear installations as well as those on the drawing board, said a top official in the Nuclear Power Corporation of India.

The process of preliminary review has already begun, he added.

Kakodkar address

In fact, on Monday Dr Anil Kakodkar, former chairman of Atomic Energy Commission, and the main architect of India's three-stage nuclear programme will be addressing members of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly and Council.

He would be speaking on the proposed Jaitapur nuclear project, that has seen much opposition from local residents, from both safety and rehabilitation aspects.

Former Chairman of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mr S.K. Sharma, who is also a committee member of International Nuclear Safety Group of IAEA, told Business Line that “in the light of unusual developments in Japanese reactors there is a need to review the safety of these plants”.