In an unprecedented move, the Gujarat Governor has appointed retired judge, Justice R.A. Mehta, as Lokayukta of the State, bypassing the Narendra Modi-led BJP government which had kept the post vacant for the last seven years.

The Gujarat Opposition leader, Mr Shaktisinh Gohil, who had led a delegation of Congress MLAs to the Governor on the issue of Lokayukta, said, “Gujarat Governor has appointed Justice Mehta as Lokayukta late Thursday night.”

The name of Justice Mehta was suggested by the Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court, Mr S.J. Mukhopadhaya, to the State government, but it had not made the appointment till now, he said.

The move by the Governor of bypassing State government in appointment of Lokayukta was taken by her after “thorough consultation with legal experts,” Mr Gohil said.

Mr Gohil said that as per Rule 3 of the Lokayukta Act of Gujarat, it is for the Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court to suggest the name of Lokayukta after consultation with the Leader of Opposition.

The Gujarat government has no role to play in the appointment, he said.