The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Ms J. Jayalalithaa, announced a mass cleaning programme in Chennai and its suburbs.

In a ‘Suo Motu’ statement in the Assembly today, the Chief Minister, said that following an aerial survey of the city on August 5, she has decided to launch a concerted effort over the next three months to clear up the solid waste and stagnant water in the city and suburbs.

This will be a first step to create a hygienic environment for the residents and will be followed up with a long-term plan for solid waste management as announced in the budget for 2011-12.

The State Government had announced in the budget that a comprehensive project for solid waste management providing for availing of carbon credit revenue will be prepared for the city. Similarly, a waste water management including integrating the sewerage system of the city and its suburbs, complete treatment and recycling of sewage water and cleaning of its rivers will be taken up.

Two special programmes — a Chennai Mega City Development Mission at a cost of Rs 500 crore and an Integrated Urban Development Mission of about Rs 750 crore are to be launched. Apart from dovetailing existing schemes, additional resources will also be allocated.