Encouraged by the successful use of Black Berry and Blue Tooth printers for traffic enforcement in Bangalore city, the Karnataka Police has extended the system to cover all the traffic police stations in the state from June 11.

In this new system, paper challans and police notice books will be phased out and replaced by Blue Tooth enabled printers, Black Berry and centralised database located at state data centre.

“This system will enable real time monitoring of the traffic enforcement, bring transparency, eliminate discretion and reduce the possibility of malpractices which existed in the present system,” said the press release from Director General of Police.

With this, all the 250 traffic officers of the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspectors, Police Sub-Inspectors and Police Inspectors across the state will start using Black Berry for traffic enforcement.

The release said this is in addition to 750 officers already using this facility in Bangalore city since the past four years.

With this, Karnataka has become the first state in the country which has complete paperless enforcement with real time monitoring of the traffic enforcement.

This project was implemented by the police computer wing of Karnataka Police.