Maharashtra's new industrial policy, due any time soon, will provide for those who wish to exit from SEZs and allow conversion of same land for use as industrial parks, the Chief Minister, Mr Prithviraj Chavan, said.

Speaking after the signing of a MoU with GE India, which is setting up a new plant at Chakan, Mr Chavan said that the change of policy had rendered SEZs unattractive for many.

“We had acquired 27,000 hectares of land for SEZs. The new industrial policy will provide for an exit; they will be allowed to be converted to industrial parks,” he said.

Dr K Shivaji, Principal Secretary, Industries, Maharashtra, said that 143 SEZs had been approved in Maharashtra. “In 26 cases, the developers have opted out or the approval has lapsed,” he said, adding that the new industrial policy was in the last stages of finalisation.

“Discussions are underway on the SEZ issue, and the final shape is still being worked out,” he said.

VAT issue

Speaking on the contentious issue of VAT concessions that has affected some investors in the Chakan belt, Mr Chavan said that the companies were getting an unintended double benefit and that had been plugged.

“I understand this has affected some companies,” he said, adding, that there was work in progress to find a solution to the issue.