To intensify its drive for rural sanitation, the Government has revised the guidelines regarding Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan's convergence with the rural employment guarantee scheme.

The aim is to make 2,40,000 gram panchayats free of open defecation in 10 years, the Rural Development Minister, Mr Jairam Ramesh, told reporters here on Thursday.

For the first time, Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan will be based on gram panchayats, who will be given enhanced Central aid to build toilets,” the Rural Development Minister, Mr Jairam Ramesh, said here on Thursday.

Fund limits raised

The cash component to be given the Centre for building a toilet has been raised from Rs 2,100 to Rs 3, 200 for all poor families.

The share of States has been raised from Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,400, but the highest rise is in the share of families, who will now be paying Rs 900 instead of Rs 300 earlier.

Mr Ramesh said the Union Cabinet had also decide to extend funds from Rs 7-20 lakh to gram panchayats for solid and liquid waste management.

Mr Ramesh said Sikkim had already attained total sanitation, and is expected to be followed by Kerala and Haryana in five years. He said his Ministry had also decided to undertake concurrent evaluation of all rural development programmes.
