Two Members of Parliament (MPs) from Andhra Pradesh have written to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, appealing to him to ensure transparency in the appointment of Director-General posts of Doordarshan and All India Radio.

In two separate letters, Mr Anantha Venkatarami Reddy and Mr S P Y Reddy observed that recommendations of Prasar Bharathi Board on the issue had been given a go-by and people outside the public broadcasting arms had been picked up.

“The board had recommended Mr L D Mandloi for the post of DG of Doordarshan Mr G Jayalal to head AIR. But it is surprising and shocking to know that the recommendations were revised in the list prepared by the Board. No procedure was followed while doing this,” Mr Venkatarami Reddy said in the letter.

Both the candidates recommended by the Board have over 30 years of experience. Mr Mandloi had been the in-charge DG of Doordarshan for the last two years. “If he is selected, he will be the first Dalit to become a DG for the public broadcaster,” he felt.