The Centre is likely to call a meeting of Chief Ministers on April 16 for discussion on the functioning of the proposed National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC), a top official said here today.

“Centre would likely convene a meeting of chief ministers on April 16 to discuss about functioning of the matters of setting up the NCTC”, the Tripura chief secretary Mr S.K.Panda told reporters.

Earlier, the Chief Minister Mr Manik Sarkar had joined the bandwagon of Chief Ministers who were opposing the NCTC order issued by the Home Ministry and wrote to the Prime Minister saying the ’unilateral move’ would only create misunderstanding.

The Union Home Secretary Mr R.K.Singh held a meeting of chief secretaries and director generals of diferent states on March 12 in New Delhi and discussed the setting up of the NCTC at which the Tripura Chief Secretary was also present.

“Final decision on the NCTC would be taken at the proposed meeting of chief ministers”, Mr Panda said quoting Mr Singh.