The poverty line in India, which was till now based on the formula developed by the Tendulkar Committee, is set to change soon, according to sources in the Ministry of Rural Development.

Jairam Ramesh, Minister of Rural Development said a new committee would be formed to take a re-look at the poverty line.

The formation of this committee would be followed by the completion of the Socio Economic Caste Census, 2011 (SECC), which is being conducted under the aegis of the Ministry of Rural Development.

“Where the poverty line will be drawn is not fixed…but it will not be the Tendulkar Line,” Ramesh, said, adding that the process should be completed by April 1, 2013.

Earlier this year, the Government had come under harsh criticism for fixing the poverty line at a daily consumption of Rs 28.65 in urban areas and Rs 22.42 for rural areas. Whether or not the new line would change this in favour of the poor is to be seen.

The SECC, which is running behind schedule by almost one year, is likely to be completed by December this year. About 89 per cent of the census has been completed, Ramesh said, adding that the process would be concluded in the three remaining States — Manipur, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh — by December.

The SECC data would subsequently be made public.