Non-utilisation of funds meant to improve public transport service by the Bihar government has irked the Union Urban Development Ministry, which is now considering cancelling the grant sanctioned in 2009.

The funds amounting to Rs 12 crore were sanctioned by the Ministry to Bihar under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) scheme.

Half of the sanctioned amount was transferred to the accounts of the Bihar Government two years back, officials said.

“The amount had been sanctioned to the Bihar Government for purchase of buses for public transport use in 2009. The grant had been approved for these buses which would ply in the cities of Patna and Gaya,” a senior official said.

As per the plan, 100 of the buses purchased under the plan would ply on the roads of Patna while another 25 buses would run in Bodh Gaya.

Officials said that two years have passed and despite the issue being brought to the notice of Bihar Government officials, Urban Development ministry is still awaiting a satisfactory action from the state.

“In our recent meeting with officials of the Bihar Government, we have pointed out the non-utilisation of the money and we have been assured of adequate response,” official sources said.

The officials said that the other recourse they had was to cancel the grant.

“The amount that has been already given to the state government can be adjusted in grants that we will provide them for other schemes, though we expect them to utilise the grant now,” said an official source.