PM Modi’s official website to be transliterated in 6 UN and 22 Indian languages

Our Bureau Updated - July 23, 2020 at 10:38 PM.

Bids called to transliterate and update PM India’s portal

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official website will now be transliterated in 6 official languages of the United Nations and 22 official languages of India. The National e-Governance of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology has called for bids to engage a qualified and experienced agency to implement the same.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) document was uploaded on Thursday evening, and the pre-bid meeting will be held on July 31, 2020.

“Broadly, the agency would be required to prepare a detailed software requirement specification, provide end-to-end managed service for development and maintenance of the website and localize the PM India portal into 22 Official Indian languages and 6 Official United Nations languages,” the RFP document said.

The selected agency will also have to ensure that the web portal is Security Audited as per Cert-In guidelines prior to Go-Live. The agency will have to protect against defacement and hacking of the application. According to the RFP, the design and updates should incorporate security features to protect the site from Session Hijacking, SQL Injection, Cross Scripting, Denial of Service, among others.

Detailing the scope of work, the RFP said that the agency should be liable to redesign the PM India portal, build & operate and continuously improve upon the current set of functionalities in close consultation with PM India Portal Cell (PPC).

“The PPC shall be nominated by the Prime Minister’s Office. The portal should be adaptive for various resolutions like desktop, laptop, tablets and mobile,” the RFP said.

“The website shall also have real-time integration with all popular Social Media platforms, including the social media platforms integrated with the existing website. The feed from Social Media handles of Hon’ble Prime Ministers shall be pulled from these platforms and made available on the website,” the RFP added.

Published on July 23, 2020 16:52