The Karnataka Legislature committee probing the porn watching scandal would consider “legal parameters” on summoning more MLAs, who were also alleged to have watched sleazy clippings in the Assembly besides the three BJP members, its Chairman, Mr Shrishailappa Bidarur, said today.

Mr Lakshman S. Savadi, Mr C.C. Patil and Mr J. Krishna Palemar, who had quit as ministers after they were caught on camera watching the porn clippings, appeared before the House panel today and presented their side of the story.

Mr Bidarur said the three gave their statements. “Next meeting (of the panel) is on March 15,” he said, adding he would meet Assembly Speaker, Mr K.G. Bopaiah, tomorrow, who had originally asked the committee to submit its report by March 13, seeking more time.

Panel member Mr Nehru Olekar created a flutter on Sunday when he said 8-10 more MLAs (from different parties) — besides the three from the BJP — had also watched the porn clips as the CCTV footage of the Assembly showed.

Asked whether notices would be issued to those MLAs also to appear before the panel, Mr Bidarur said “legal parameters” would be explored.

“Only if the legal parameters permit, we will think of it (summoning other members)”, he added.

Television footage of Assembly proceedings showed Mr Savadi watching the porn clips and Mr Patil, sitting next to him, also having a look at it, on a mobile phone of Mr Palemar last month, and the three had to quit the next day following a public outrage.

The Speaker constituted a seven-member House panel, comprising four members from BJP, two from the Congress and one from JDS, to probe the episode, but the two opposition parties have boycotted the committee, reducing it to a ruling-party-only panel.

The two opposition parties have alleged that probe by the House panel is an exercise to cover up the scandal, arguing that there was no need for it as the three MLAs have admitted to their actions.