Addressing the long-pending grievances of its employees, the Prasar Bharti today proposed that the Government meet 100 per cent expenses towards salaries and allowances of its workers besides setting new recruitment rules for them.

In a meeting held here today, the Prasar Bharti board approved a funding pattern for the public broadcaster to replace the existing provision that required it to generate at least 50 per cent of its operating expenses as commercial revenue.

The board members felt that given the nature of the Public Broadcaster, a more pragmatic and workable formula needs to be evolved. The board has proposed that Government may meet 100 per cent towards the expenses on salaries and allowances of the employees and 50 per cent of other operating expenses of Prasar Bharti.

On its part, PB would meet 50 per cent of the remaining operating expenses and 100 per cent of the expenses for programming related work. The proposed funding pattern is being forwarded to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry for placement before the Group of Ministers for a final decision.