After a more or less comfortable summer, Kolkata is experiencing its share of ‘power cuts’ since late last evening. The supply shortfall stands at a substantial 200 MW in the CESC areas this afternoon.

To start with, a technical glitch at the state utility-run sub-station in the suburbs forced CESC to step down generation from a 250-MW unit at Budge Budge thermal power station.

Subsequent technical glitch has prevented CESC Ltd from bringing the unit back into generation till this afternoon. To add to the problem, a small 67-MW unit at CESC-run southern generating unit developed tube leakage and cannot be operational before tomorrow.

The net result is: The city is experiencing a 200-MW shortfall in supply till 12 noon. While demand is set to rise in the peak evening hours, CESC is expecting to keep the net deficit restricted at 200-MW level by stepping up generation from other units.