Government employees and teachers, who have been on an indefinite strike for the past 33 days, have made it clear that they would not call off their agitation till the Centre announced the creation of Telangana state within a specific timeframe.

The Telangana Employees Joint Action Committee leaders who took part in the talks with the Cabinet sub-committee today made it clear that they would not give up until the Centre conceded to their main demand of creation of Telangana.

“We want a clear announcement from the Centre on this. It should come out with a clear roadmap and a specific timeframe for creation of the state,” the JAC President, Mr K. Swamy Goud, told reporters at the end of the talks with the Cabinet sub-committee headed by the Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Damodara Rajanarasimha.

“We have requested the state Cabinet to prevail upon the Centre and get an announcement on Telangana,” the JAC leader said.

“There is no truth in reports that we are going to withdraw from the indefinite strike. On the contrary, we will step up our agitation in every form,” Mr Swamy Goud asserted.

The State Labour Minister, Mr Danam Nagender, said they once again appealed to the JAC to call off the strike since “our own people of Telangana” were suffering.

“People of Andhra-Rayalaseema regions are continuing with their daily life happily as there is no strike there. Only people of Telangana are suffering badly,” he pointed out.

The issues raised by JAC would be discussed with the Chief Minister for necessary action, the Minister added.