The Tamil Nadu Government today announced an incentive of Rs 50 for common paddy and Rs 70 for the Grade A variety over-and-above the Minimum Support Price (MSP) fixed by the Central Government.

“Considering the welfare of farmers and in order to avoid any distress sale by farmers, the government proposes to grant an incentive of Rs 50 per quintal for common variety and Rs 70 per quintal for Grade A variety in procurement/kharif marketing season 2011-12 that begins from October 1, 2011,” a Government Order said.

As per the September 30 Government Order issued by the State Cooperative, Food and Consumer Protection Department, Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation has been permitted to procure paddy at Rs 1,130 per quintal for the common variety and Rs 1,180 for the Grade A variety under the decentralised procurement system.

The Government of India, in an order passed in June this year, had fixed the “MSP for paddy at Rs 1,110 for Grade A variety and Rs 1,080 for common variety,” it said.

The paddy procured shall be stocked on behalf of the Government of India for contribution to the central pool, the Government Order said.