With the rules for proper disposal and recycling of electronic waste to come into force from May 1, the Tamil Nadu Government has in place the systems and processes, according to the Environment Minister, Mr B.V. Ramanaa.

Addressing the Assembly following the debate on the demand for grants to Environment and Forests, he said the Central Ministry of Environment and Forests has notified the e-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 which are to come into force next month.

The rules notified in May 2011 outline responsibilities of manufacturers and buyers for proper disposal of all electronic and electrical items; dictates the guidelines and procedures for collecting, dismantling and recycling of such waste.

The rules identify the State Government agencies that will oversee this entire process.

Electronic waste or e-waste as it is commonly called has a range of polluting substances including metals and chemicals that pose a hazard to environment and health if they are not disposed of properly.

The Minister said the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board will monitor the system and has set up an expert committee to manage the e-waste generated in Tamil Nadu. The committee has representatives from Anna University, non-government organisations and the National Metallurgical Laboratory.

The Pollution Control Board has given permission to 19 e-waste recyclers to separate and recover printed circuit boards, integrated circuits, metallic items, rubber and glass. The circuit boards are exported to USA, Singapore and Malaysia to recover the metals. Other items are sent to authorised recyclers, according to a policy note on the environment tabled in the Assembly today.

The Government of India rules provide for manufacturers to set up collection centres for e-waste and appliances that are discarded by the consumers; the collection centres to be authorised by the government agency will have to set up proper facilities and transport them to dismantlers; and it is the responsibility of the consumers to ensure they discard electronic waste including household appliances at proper collection centres.

The Minister said the State Government will soon be coming out with a State Environment Policy that will provide for environment conservation while meeting needs of economic development.