Making it clear that it would not compromise on its rights on the Mullaperiyar Dam issue, the AIADMK Government in Tamil Nadu has alleged that it is a victim of the Centre’s “persistent indifference” and accused Kerala of whipping up “mass fear and insecurity” over the row.

“The attempts on the part of Kerala to whip up mass fear and insecurity through false propaganda have been the primary cause of these (recent violent) incidents,” Governor, Mr K. Rosaiah, said in his customary address to the first session of the Tamil Nadu Assembly this year.

“Tamil Nadu is all for ensuring the safety of the dam and I earnestly appeal to the people of Kerala not to succumb to such malicious campaign,” he said, outlining the Government’s policies and priorities in his first address since becoming the Governor.

He said the State Government was committed to maintaining cordial relationship with all neighbouring states but Tamil Nadu was a victim of the “persistent indifference” of the Union Government besides “false and parochial” campaigns launched with “short-sighted political interests’’. “We also urge the Government of India to direct the Kerala Government to abide by the decision of the Supreme Court,” the Governor said.

Tamil Nadu would not compromise on its rights and livelihood of its farmers and would defend them in all appropriate fora and courts of law, Mr Rosaiah said.

He said Tamil Nadu had shown the utmost restraint and ably handled the recent incidents relating to the Mullaperiyar Dam.

The row had intensified since November with both Tamil Nadu and Kerala sparring over the latter’s insistence on building a new dam in the place of the 116-year-old Mullaperiyar reservoir, causing tension in the border areas of both states.

Kerala has been citing safety concerns for its demand to decommission the dam, which feeds five southern districts in Tamil Nadu, under whose control it comes on a 999-year lease.