The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) may soon allow candidates to write its exams in languages not included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.

A high-level committee appointed by the UPSC in July 2009 had recommended that the All India Services and Central Services examinations should not be restricted just to English and the languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution, Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs R.P.N. Singh told the Lok Sabha on Tuesday.

The committee had suggested that the languages allowed in the UPSC’s examination should be based on their growth in the higher educational system and not just be centred on its inclusion in the Eighth Schedule.

The statement added that the committee recommendation also says that candidates should be allowed to answer in any of the languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution or in English, so long as the candidate has completed her or his graduation in that language.

However, a minimum of 25 students would be required for the UPSC to be able to conduct examination in that language.

Singh added that the committee recommendation also said that the UPSC could review its policy on the language for examination every three years.