Despite completing a year in office , the Ms Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal Government seems to have made little headway in convincing new investors and clear doubts over its land policy.

An attempt was made yet again on Tuesday to allay the fears of the investor community, with a closed door industry meet between the State Commerce and Industry Minister, Mr Partha Chatterjee, his departmental secretaries, and the industry captains.

Land, again, emerged as the focal point of discussions. The assertion that the State Government would seek to re-acquire land on which proposed projects have not come up also caused serious headache for the community. The Minister, it is learnt, is said to have sought “concrete proposals” from investors instead of suggestions on how to go about “procuring land for industry.” “There have been far too many suggestions and very little proposals. I think its time we receive concrete proposals,” Mr Chatterjee later told reporters on the sidelines of the programme.


Tractors India Ltd (TIL) is, at present, the only company to have made a big ticket (Rs 300 crore) investment in the State after the Ms Mamata Banerjee Government came to power, a State Government official said. Some other big plans like JSW Steel Purulia unit are yet to materialise.

Earlier, the West Bengal Chief Minister, Ms Mamata Banerjee, too, had sought to attract investments. Other than a line of meetings, a special show — Bengal Leads — was also organised by the commerce and industries department to showcase the investment potential of the State. However, the industry still appeared uneasy over the State Government's decision to keep itself out of the land acquisition process.

“The land policy is still not clear. If the Government does not help in the land acquisition process, it will continue to be difficult to convince industries,” a businessman said on conditions of anonymity.

When asked if perception problems over land-related issues were hampering the State's industrial growth, the Commerce and Industries Minister told reporters that “availability of land will not be a problem.”

According to him, the State Government, in a recent survey, has identified 7,500 acres of land that are lying unutilised in closed units in the State.

“These plots can be utilised to promote industry,” he told reporters.

“Land can be held in excess of the stipulated ceiling limits, but we will look into the matter on a case-to-case basis.”

Mr Chatterjee said the State Land Ceiling Act has been amended accordingly.
